Archive for April, 2008

Apr 15 2008

Girl’s Soccer vs George Mason

Published by under george mason,girls,mchs,soccer

The JV Girl’s game ended in a 2-2 tie. Varsity was losing 6-1 when I left, with about 25 minutes left to play in the game. Below are a few photos from both games, click on the blue button to the right to see them all.

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Apr 14 2008

Nice clouds today…

Published by under landscape

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Apr 13 2008

Softball + Baseball X 3

Whew! One game of softball and three games of baseball in one day! Yesterday was “Opening Day” for Madison Parks and Rec Softball and Baseball. The first game of my day was the 8U Bombers vs Young Cubbies. I followed that by shooting the Rookie League’s White vs Orange baseball game. Then came MCHS JV and Varsity Baseball vs Orange. Just click on the blue “Enter” button on the right to see all the photos. Below are a few “Faces” from yesterday…

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Apr 11 2008

A few photos from today…

Published by under landscape

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Apr 09 2008

MCHS Track & Field vs Clarke

Published by under track and field

Track and field is always fun to shoot. There are so many events going on at one time, it’s almost impossible to cover them all and it’s certainly never boring!

There was a good competition going on today in the boy’s high jump. It came down to two guys, Madison’s Jerel Carter and Clarke’s John Lilly (Lilly was #20 on Clarke’s varsity boys basketball team). The bar kept getting moved higher and higher, and both these guys kept clearing it, rarely missing even on their first try at new heights. Both cleared the bar at 6’0″, Lilly then cleared it at 6’2″….and Jerel couldn’t quite make it. Lilly went on to try 6’4″, but didn’t make that height. It was pretty amazing to watch someone jump something that HIGH!!!

Below are a few favorite photos from the meet. You can click here to see all the photos from the track meet. (photos from JV Softball vs Greene, and Varsity Baseball vs Greene are also online, just click on the big blue ENTER button on the right to see those photos)

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