Jun 12 2008

Memphis, Day 6

Published by at 7:13 pm under mission trip

This was how the day started, and then it got even better 🙂

After lunch today we went for a walk through the Binghampton neighborhood. There are some really nice houses in the neighborhood, some abandoned ones, and some that need some help. As we were walking, we saw some kids up ahead who were just waving and jumping up and down when they saw us. Well, I’m pretty sure the girls could have stayed there and played with them all day!! I’m sure the girls will go back to visit them again tomorrow! We got the shingles on one side of the roof today, and we’ll start stripping the shingles on the other side tomorrow. Michael has sent some pics from their group, so I’ll get some of the other pages updated with them as soon as I have time. Here are some from our job site today:

…and a few pics from Tom Will’s group, taken by Michael Parker:

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3 Responses to “Memphis, Day 6”

  1. Ron/Michele Houseron 12 Jun 2008 at 8:10 pm

    Please make Jacob throw those jean shorts away before you guys return to Virginia! I think they “are on their last leg” so to speak.

  2. Susan McCurryon 12 Jun 2008 at 10:50 pm

    Since I couldn’t watch Tom Will’s debut online, I expect a live performance upon your return. Cody how’s your knee? A ping pong table got it? The pictures are great and it looks like you guys are having a great time. You’re in our prayers every day. Keep up the good work and we’ll see ya Saturday. Love and kisses to Cara and Cody….okay…to everybody!!

  3. Jillon 13 Jun 2008 at 10:22 am

    Hi, ok, bubba, I expect a repeat performance of the dance when you guys report on your trip at church- boots and all!

    Very proud of all of you! and John, thanks for keeping us posted!

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