Feb 23 2016

VHSL State 2A Swim and Dive

Published by at 8:46 am under clarke,Dive,mchs,State Championships,swimming

Click the appropriate photo below.  I’ve also provided direct links to the galleries.  I shot some Clarke as well as Madison.  For the finals, I shot a photo of the heat sheet before each race.

VHSL State 2A Swim Prelims

VHSL State 2A Dive Finals

VHSL State 2A Swim Finals

February 22, 2016. VHSL 2A State Swim Preliminaries at Christiansburg Aquatic Center

February 22, 2016.
VHSL 2A State Swim Preliminaries at Christiansburg Aquatic Center


February 22, 2016. VHSL 2A Dive at Christiansburg Aquatic Center

February 22, 2016.
VHSL 2A Dive at Christiansburg Aquatic Center


February 22, 2016. VHSL 2A State Swim Championships at Christiansburg Aquatic Center

February 22, 2016.
VHSL 2A State Swim Championships at Christiansburg Aquatic Center

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