Jun 10 2008

Memphis, Day 4

Published by at 7:25 pm under mission trip

Another good day!! We got tarpaper on the roof section we are working on, and will start putting shingles on tomorrow (Wednesday). It wasn’t a whole lot for the kids to do up on the roof since we were working close to the edge most of the day, mostly just replacing bad sheeting boards. Jacob and Sarah Margaret did finally get all the tar off around the chimney so it could be re-flashed. We’ll get one of the construction supervisors to come help us with that tomorrow when we start shingling.

This place is extremely well organized. When we need more sheeting boards, or nails, or a different ladder, it’s delivered to us within 30 minute or less….and they have a very well stocked supply room, so they can just pull from there.

Here are a few pictures from our group today, I’ll update the page when Michael sends me his.

Update: (added pics from Michael below the video), but I’m going to have something even better. Each night before Chapel, a couple of the team leaders put on a little skit, and then there is also a contest between 5 or 6 campers. Just a light-hearted way to start off chapel and get everyone in a good mood. The first night they had 5 plates with big piles of whipped cream with a piece of bubble gum in the middle. The contestants had to find the bubble gum using only their mouths, then the first to blow a bubble won. So, anyway, you get the idea. Last night (Tuesday) was a dance contest, but instead of campers they made adult leaders compete. I had seen Shelly (she’s sort of the “MC” of chapel) talking to Bubba earlier. And a couple of our kids whispered to me to be sure I had my camera at chapel. Turns out Bubba had given Tom Will’s name to Shelly ๐Ÿ™‚ There’s no way to really put the contest into words other than to say I had tears running down my face by the end because I was laughing so hard!! I videoed the whole thing with my little point and shoot camera, so it’s preserved for history. We’ll get Millie a DVD of it, she’ll need it when she’s older ๐Ÿ™‚ Here it is, you’ll probably need to find a fast connection, but it’ll be worth the wait. Tom Will was the last to dance, but watching him anticipate his turn is part of the fun.

Tom Will Dance Contest from John Berry on Vimeo.

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2 Responses to “Memphis, Day 4”

  1. Jill Wongon 11 Jun 2008 at 9:58 am

    WOW! Tom Will’s moves are now seen all across the world! He should be very happy! Tell him all of us back in Madison are very proud of him. I gave Susan a play by play because she could not pull it up on her computer!
    It looks like a blast! I can’t wait for Millie and Liz to see!
    Have a good day!

  2. Hal and Melinda Burron 11 Jun 2008 at 3:39 pm

    Wow! what a great experience. So proud of all who have participated in this project. What a real testimony you are all sharing. Love to our Burr Girls and hope your all keeping cool and have fun enjoying your trip.

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